Decorative fitting manufacturer with the largest number of product ranges

Being the manufacturer of decorative fittings with the most and deepest product ranges is a great responsibility.
Not all companies are ready or able to take on such a task. However, REI is in its natural environment. REI has done that and they have for some time now.
Before REI came on the market, when “fashion” still dominated, back when there weren’t several different fashions, when there was one unique and exclusive trend that divided society in two: those who followed it and those who didn’t; those who were in and those who weren’t; those who were in and those who were out. Back then, it was easy, almost too easy, to satisfy the demands of the market.
A matter of historical perspective. It was enough to take a walk around the last fair to come back with what everyone was going to ask for, the latest in decorative fittings. You didn’t have to be very clever because there wasn’t much to choose from, if what you got was flat matt stainless steel handles, then it was flat matt stainless steel handles for everyone!
It’s true that there was always a background that was used by the classics, by those who wanted “the same old style” “the one that never goes out of fashion” – a part of that style that we now call vintage and yet it’s just another trend, that very one.
But production methods began to change and combined with a greater purchasing capacity for acquisition by customers who also began to have their own ideas based on other styles, increasingly sophisticated styles that they discovered in decorating magazines, on a trip or even in the movies or television. The market has multiplied in terms of purchasing power, culture, contemporary trends, etc.
And that’s how things were when the technological revolution came and everything changed. And you either had to keep up with the times or get off the train.
Not only did REI not get off the innovation train, but in many ways – considering how one thing leads to another because experience and professional excellence pay off – it was at the forefront, leading the decorative hardware sector towards the horizon of innovation. And now here we are, the uniformity has vanished, it is not here nor is it expected to be for a long time, because it has given way to diverse tendencies that are multiplying at a rate of knots. Decorative fittings have gone from being a useful tool with a complementary touch for an object with greater presence, to becoming pieces of priceless aesthetic value, capable of turning the decorative concept of a room, a set of rooms or an entire domestic or working environment on its head.
Customers are no longer looking for tools that make their lives easier and that “match”, now they want to play, they want the details to take centre stage, they want the decorative fittings to conduct the orchestra. The game has been individualised and you have to be up to it.
They need a partner manufacturer, someone who offers DIY stores product ranges of decorative hardware with enough quality and variety to fill store catalogues and, most importantly, to meet the needs, desires and aesthetic concerns of their customers. Because clients need and demand a creative canvas right in front of them on which they can try out a thousand and one combinations until they find their own style. And we can say with confidence that not everyone can meet these customers’ needs. Because it is not enough to have a lot of ranges of decorative fitting products, much like a painting, you have to give depth to the picture that the customer has before their visionary eyes when embarking on a process of renovations or innovation. And here we are talking about depth of a product range and REI is the manufacturer of decorative fittings with the largest number of ranges and the most depth within those ranges. Ranges that are capable of satisfying the needs of the most creative and demanding customers.
REI offers sample books and specialised catalogues with its own, internally manufactured products. These products are renewed every two years and are extended annually for those clients who look for the latest and are not willing to settle for lesser quality imitations.
And that’s not all, because REI is also there to help with the little things, providing customers with the necessary accessories for the installation of their products with a product ranges, as wide as specialised, of small accessories.
In addition, REI works with its customers to ensure that these large ranges of decorative fittings, with their extraordinary depth, find the optimal sales points in DIY stores, advising and encouraging profitability on theit shelves.
REI has also been working with high-performance professionals for 30 years, three decades of experience in a changing scenario in which REI has been able to maintain excellence in quality standards, creative capacity and complicity with customers, three factors that have become the hallmark of the company.
Being the decorative hardware manufacturer with the most and broadest product ranges and sustaining them over time with unbeatable development prospects is an explanation that customers recognise without even having to verbalise it.
That is why REI is the market leader, because it has transcended presentations and is now a benchmark, nationally and internationally, in its own right.